Original Artwork & Visual Story
At Flipsi, our journey begins with imagination. With an abundance of themes and ideas, creating a compelling puzzle narrative can be quite an adventure. So, we dive deep within ourselves, conjuring up the kind of experience that we want to share with you through our double-sided puzzles. Detail by detail, trial by trial, we design each image until it breathes life into the story we have imagined for you.

Haunted Farmhouse
Although this Farmhouse looks and smells abandoned, you are sure you heard something coming from inside. It wasn’t the bolt of lightning or the stirring of the windmill. It couldn’t have been the rain, and it sounded too big to be a bat. In front of you is a twisted barbwire fence. Its purpose is to keep you away. Still, you can’t help but think…Is there someone inside…? Is there something inside...?
Concept by: Demi Christo & Melissa Bonne
Artwork by: Melissa Bonne

Haunted House
The moon shines down on the icy driveway before you. It’s inviting you to step closer to that blood-red door. The air is still, but the swing beside you sways. All you hear is a squeaky chilling creek, creek, creek. Those frosty windows conceal a secret. A secret you are desperate to know. You shiver in the cold, wondering what that secret could be. There’s only one way to find out…
Concept by: Demi Christo & Melissa Bonne
Artwork by: Melissa Bonne

Haunted Castle
From under an autumn tree, you set your site on a decaying, ruined Castle. The leaves above you rustle, and the sky looms ahead. There’s something eery about that Castle, and you want to stay away. You probably should stay away. But your curiosity is getting the better of you. You have to go inside. You have to see for yourself if the rumours are true…
Concept by: Demi Christo & Melissa Bonne
Artwork by: Melissa Bonne

Enchanted Sands
Upon the edge of a cliff overlooking a majestic river, a daring adventurer casts his eyes over a city immersed in the heart of a powerful sandstorm. Beyond the towering mosaic walls, mystical creatures emerge, and a palace comes to life, inviting those who venture near to explore what's hidden beneath. Welcome to the Enchanted Sands.
Concept by: Demi Christo & Melissa Bonne
Artwork by: Melissa Bonne

Enchanted Falls
Standing tall and ethereal, she watches over her city, guarding all before her like an unbreakable shield. The air is alive with the sound of rushing waterfalls, their magical cascades glistening in the sunlight. And here, amidst the beauty and wonder of this place, her warriors line up in formation, commanding a presence that can be felt all around. One can’t help but feel a sense of awe and reverence for the ancient power that dwells within…or what hides beneath. Welcome to The Enchanted Falls.
Concept by: Demi Christo & Melissa Bonne
Artwork by: Melissa Bonne

Enchanted Woods
Beneath an arch of golden light and deep within a city of green, there are those who fly and those who prowl. There are those who climb and slither too. But among all of this, where the path begins, there are roots that glow and hearts that beat. What dwells below calls to all up above. And you are invited too. Welcome to the Enchanted Woods.
Concept by: Demi Christo & Melissa Bonne
Artwork by: Melissa Bonne